
Kyra Tang

What is your earliest Faust memory?
I started when I was 13 - my earliest memory is bringing in strawberry lace candy and trading snacks during break time!

What is your favourite Faust memory?
In Stage Group, I especially liked when we were asked to devise work in a short time frame because it was a great opportunity to be thrown into a space, experimenting with how to work well with different people. I find that Stage Group is a filtered community where students start to get curiously serious about the craft.

What was your biggest challenge in participating and leading in drama workshops and productions?
There was a time in high school when school work really piled up and it was difficult to focus. Luckily with Faust, I simply took a break for one term and came back again when time allowed me to.

As well as being a student, I also got to be a student leader at workshops for younger students. The biggest challenge for me was learning a totally new skill - how to get kids to take you seriously whilst making them believe you’re still cool.

What did you gain from your experience at Faust as a student and / or as a leader?
As a student, I gained life-long friends and skills that I would apply to both school and in my current work.

All in all, working as a student leader allowed me a sneak peek into the backbone of a theatre company which was an insightful experience for the curious student I was.

How did studying Drama and Theatre impact your life?
I am currently a working actor, and pursuing an acting degree at Toronto Metropolitan University’s conservatory-style acting training program. Back then, Faust acted as an amazing stimulation as I was also studying theatre in high school.

How would you describe Faust to someone new to drama and theatre?
Faust is a fantastic opportunity to curiously play, experiment with theatre, and meet like-minded people.